Mastering Targeting: The Power of Identity Resolution

3 Episodes

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  • Identity Resolution Explained: Profile the Right Prospects

    Felix Serna, VP Growth Marketing, Leadspace; Cameron Poe, Solutions Architect, Leadspace

    Feb 13 2024, 29 mins


    Feb 13 2024, 29 mins


    Feb 13 2024, 29 mins

  • Mastering Identity Resolution to Assemble Prospect Buying Teams

    Felix Serna, VP Marketing, Leadspace; Amish Sheth, VP Solutions Engineering, Leadspace

    Mar 26 2024, 30 mins


    Mar 26 2024, 30 mins


    Mar 26 2024, 30 mins

  • How to Use Identity Resolution and AI for Insights and Next Best Actions

    Ranjit Rao, Lead Solutions Engineer, Leadspace; Felix Serna, VP Growth Marketing, Leadspace

    Apr 30 2024, 29 mins


    Apr 30 2024, 29 mins


    Apr 30 2024, 29 mins