M-Trends 2024 Round Up: Expert Insights on 6 Key Topics
Presenters include Google Cloud Security threat analysts and incident response experts. See list in the event details.
The M-Trends 2024 Special Report provides an inside look at the latest cyber trends and attacker operations from around the globe. The second half of the report is dedicated to deep insights drawn directly from the frontlines of Mandiant investigations and threat intelligence findings that have shaped today’s evolving cyber threat landscape.
Join six of our report authors and experts on May 23, 2024 at 12:00pm ET as they share their point of view on these hot topics and provide best practice solutions to help improve your cyber defense capabilities in these areas.
Topics will include:
- China-nexus attackers targeting edge devices and platforms that lack EDR
- Trending adversary operations and motivations behind zero-day attacks
- The evolution of phishing techniques amidst modern security controls
- How attackers leverage AiTM to compromise MFA safeguards
- The reasons and solutions behind growing cloud and hybrid cloud intrusions
- How AI is effectively used in red and purple teams to help boost cyber defenses
Ryan Tomcik, Principal Security Analyst, Mandiant - Google Cloud Security
Mathew Potaczek, Principal Threat Analyst, Mandiant - Google Cloud Security
Josh Fleischer, Principal Security Analyst, Mandiant - Google Cloud Security
James Sadowski, Principal Intelligence Analyst, Google Cloud Security
Tucker Clark, Senior Security Consultant, Mandiant - Google Cloud Security
Josh Madeley, Regional Lead, Mandiant - Google Cloud Security
Jennifer Guzzetta, Product Marketing - Google Cloud Security (Moderator)
All episodes
Aktuelle Einblicke in die wichtigsten Cybersicherheits-Trends und Angriffe
Mathias Frank, Principal Security Consultant; Google Cloud
15 Jahre lang Expertenmeinungen zu den wichtigsten aktuellen Cybersicherheitstrends und -angriffen aus Incident-Response-Einsätzen.
In dieser 15. jährlichen Ausgabe bietet M-Trends einen Einblick in die sich entwickelnde Cyber-Bedrohungslandschaft, direkt aus Untersuchungen zur Reaktion auf Vorfälle und der Analyse von Bedrohungen durch wirkungsvolle Angriffe und Gegenmaßnahmen auf der ganzen Welt.
Machen Sie sich bereit, über die folgenden Themen informiert zu werden:
+ Die neuesten Metriken für die Reaktion auf Vorfälle, einschließlich Verweilzeiten, Erkennungsquellen, anfängliche Infektionsvektoren und vieles mehr.
+ Angreifer mit Verbindungen zu China, die zunehmend auf Edge-Geräte und Plattformen ohne EDR abzielen.
+ Trendige gegnerische Operationen und Motivationen hinter Zero-Day-Angriffen.
+ Die Entwicklung von Phishing-Techniken inmitten moderner Sicherheitskontrollen.
+ Wie Angreifer “AiTM” nutzen, um Multi-Faktor-Authentifizierungsmaßnahmen zu kompromittieren.
+ Die Gründe und Lösungen für die Zunahme von Eindringlingen in Cloud- und hybriden Cloud-Umgebungen.
+ Wie KI effektiv in Red- und Purple-Team-Operationen eingesetzt wird, um die Cyberabwehr zu stärken.Google Cloud kommt in deine Region! Nimm an unserer allerersten DACH Summit Reihe durch 3 Länder und 5 Städte teil. Erfahre, wie du mithilfe von Cloud und KI deine Ziele schneller erreichen kannst. Jetzt anmelden: https://cloudonair.withgoogle.com/google-cloud-summit-roadshow-2024?utm_source=gc_events&utm_medium=display&utm_campaign=FY24-Q2-emea-EMEA2483-physicalevent-er-cloud-summit-berlin-mc&utm_content=promo-slide-deck
M-Trends 2024: Les principales tendances et attaques en matière de cybersécurité
David Grout, CTO, Security Senior Manager Customer Engineer; Google Cloud
Perspectives d'experts sur les principales tendances et attaques actuelles en matière de cybersécurité, issues du terrain depuis 15 ans.
Dans cette 15ème édition annuelle, M-Trends fournira un aperçu de l'évolution du paysage des cybermenaces, directement issu des enquêtes sur les incidents et de l'analyse des menaces liées aux attaques à fort impact et aux remediations dans le monde entier.
Explorez les grandes thématiques du rapport:
+ Les dernières mesures de réponse aux incidents, y compris les durées d'intrusion, les sources de détection, les principaux vecteurs d'infection initiale, et bien plus encore.
+ Les attaquants, liés à la Chine, qui ciblent de plus en plus les appareils périphériques et les plateformes dépourvues d'EDR.
+ Les tendances et motivations derrière les attaques "zero-day".
+ L'évolution des techniques d’hameçonnage dans le contexte des contrôles de sécurité modernes.
+ Comment les attaquants exploitent l’IA (“AiTM”) pour compromettre les mesures de protection de l’authentification multifacteur.
+ Les raisons et les solutions derrière l'augmentation des intrusions dans les environnements cloud et cloud hybrides.
+ Comment l'IA est utilisée efficacement dans les opérations Red Team pour renforcer les cyberdéfenses.Inscrivez-vous à notre prochain événement Google Cloud dédié à la cybersécurité le mardi 4 juin: https://rsvp.withgoogle.com/events/security-forum-paris-2024
M-Trends 2024: Las principales tendencias y ataques de ciberseguridad
Jose Alemán, Security Customer Engineer Iberia; Google Cloud
Perspectivas expertas sobre las principales tendencias y ataques de ciberseguridad actuales y durante 15 años consecutivos.
En esta 15ª edición anual, M-Trends proporcionará una mirada al interior del panorama evolutivo de las amenazas cibernéticas, partiendo de investigaciones de respuesta a incidentes y análisis de inteligencia de amenazas de ataques de alto impacto y soluciones en todo el mundo.
Prepárate para estar informado sobre los siguientes temas:
+ Las últimas métricas de respuesta a incidentes, incluidos tiempos de permanencia, fuentes de detección, principales vectores de infección inicial y mucho más.
+ El incremento de atacantes vinculados a China que apuntan a dispositivos de borde de red y plataformas que carecen de EDR.
+ Operaciones de adversarios en tendencia y las motivaciones detrás de los ataques de día cero.
+ La evolución de las técnicas de phishing en medio de los controles de seguridad modernos.
+ Cómo los atacantes están aprovechando la Inteligencia Artificial (AiTM) para comprometer las protecciones de autenticación multifactor.
+ Las razones y soluciones detrás de las crecientes intrusiones en entornos de nube y nube híbrida.
+ Cómo la IA se utiliza eficazmente en las operaciones de equipos de ataque/defensa (red/purple team) para ayudar a impulsar las defensas cibernéticas. -
M-Trends 2024: By the Numbers of Today's Top Cyber Threats & Attacker Operations
Kirstie Failey, Principal Threat Analyst, Kelli Vanderlee, Sr. Mgr Threat Intelligence, Jennifer Guzzetta, Product Marketing
The M-Trends 2024 Special Report provides an inside look at the latest cyber trends and attacker operations from around the globe. Packed with timely data from Mandiant frontline incident response investigations and threat intelligence findings between January 1, 2023 - December 31, 2023, readers can increase their awareness of the evolving cyber threat landscape and glean new, effective ways to stay on top of their cyber defense game.
Join two of our top threat analysts on May 21, 2024 at 12:00pm ET as they discuss these trending metrics and notable adversary behaviors. Learn how these findings can affect your security approach to future compromise.
Topics will include:
- Global and regional dwell times
- Detection by source trends
- Industry targeting metrics
- New threat actor techniques, motivations, and behaviors
- Top infection vectors and malware families
- Ransomware attack developments
- And more! -
M-Trends 2024: dati dietro le principali tendenze e minacce informatiche odierne
Gabriele Zanoni,Consulting Country Manager; Google Cloud
Analisi approfondite degli esperti sulle principali tendenze e sugli attacchi informatici più significativi di oggi, dalle prime linee da 15 anni a questa parte.
In questa 15a edizione annuale, M-Trends fornirà uno sguardo dall’interno al panorama delle minacce informatiche in evoluzione, attingendo direttamente dalle indagini di risposta agli incidenti e dall’analisi delle informazioni sulle minacce degli attacchi ad alto impatto e relative azioni di risoluzione in tutto il mondo.
Preparati ad essere informato sui seguenti argomenti:
+ Le più recenti metriche di risposta agli incidenti, compresi i tempi di interazione, le fonti di rilevamento, i principali vettori di infezione iniziale e molto altro ancora
+ Gli aggressori China-nexus prendono sempre più di mira dispositivi e piattaforme periferici privi della tecnologia EDR
+ Operazioni di tendenza degli aggressori e motivazioni alla dietro gli attacchi zero-day
+ L’evoluzione delle tecniche di phishing tra i moderni controlli di sicurezza
+ Come gli aggressori stanno sfruttando AiTM per compromettere le misure di protezione con autenticazione a più fattori
+ I motivi e le soluzioni alla base delle crescenti intrusioni in ambienti cloud e cloud ibridi
+ Come l'IA viene utilizzata in modo efficace nelle operazioni dei red team e purple team per contribuire a potenziare le difese informaticheItaly: Abbiamo il piacere di comunicarti che sono aperte le registrazioni per il prossimo Google Cloud Summit Milano, unisciti a noi per questo evento annuale che riunisce la community del cloud.https://cloudonair.withgoogle.com/events/summit-milan-24?utm_source=sales_contacts&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=FY24-Q2-emea-EXP82-operational-er-summit-milan&utm_content=sales_invite&utm_term=-
M-Trends 2024 Round Up: Expert Insights on 6 Key Topics
Presenters include Google Cloud Security threat analysts and incident response experts. See list in the event details.
The M-Trends 2024 Special Report provides an inside look at the latest cyber trends and attacker operations from around the globe. The second half of the report is dedicated to deep insights drawn directly from the frontlines of Mandiant investigations and threat intelligence findings that have shaped today’s evolving cyber threat landscape.
Join six of our report authors and experts on May 23, 2024 at 12:00pm ET as they share their point of view on these hot topics and provide best practice solutions to help improve your cyber defense capabilities in these areas.
Topics will include:
- China-nexus attackers targeting edge devices and platforms that lack EDR
- Trending adversary operations and motivations behind zero-day attacks
- The evolution of phishing techniques amidst modern security controls
- How attackers leverage AiTM to compromise MFA safeguards
- The reasons and solutions behind growing cloud and hybrid cloud intrusions
- How AI is effectively used in red and purple teams to help boost cyber defensesPresenters:
Ryan Tomcik, Principal Security Analyst, Mandiant - Google Cloud Security
Mathew Potaczek, Principal Threat Analyst, Mandiant - Google Cloud Security
Josh Fleischer, Principal Security Analyst, Mandiant - Google Cloud Security
James Sadowski, Principal Intelligence Analyst, Google Cloud Security
Tucker Clark, Senior Security Consultant, Mandiant - Google Cloud Security
Josh Madeley, Regional Lead, Mandiant - Google Cloud Security
Jennifer Guzzetta, Product Marketing - Google Cloud Security (Moderator)