
How to Incorporate XLAs into Outsourcing Agreements
John Noctor, SDI, Sami Kallio, CEO & Co-Founder, HappySignals & Neil Keating, CEO & Co-Founder, Bright Horse
There's plenty of discussion about experience level agreements (XLAs) but very little practical guidance for IT service leaders on how to incorporate XLAs into their outsourcing agreements. For years, this topic has sparked ongoing debate and confusion among industry professionals. That's why HappySignals and Bright Horse teamed up to develop recommendations and best practices. Hear about real customer examples and gain practical advice and valuable learnings to transform your outsourcing strategy.
1. Learn what a contracted XLA looks like
2. Understand the contractual governance differences with XLAs and traditional metrics
3. Learn the options for contracting XLAs alongside the recommended approach
4. Learn how best to manage penalties/rewards
All episodes
Traditional SLAs; Should I remove them?
Pasi Nikkanen (CGO)
Experience Level Agreements (XLAs) are the topic everyone's talking about. But does this mean you should be removing your ‘set in stone’ SLAs and replacing them?
SLAs have been labelled differently by ITSM thought leaders over recent years, bringing the question of whether or not they are serving a purpose to your IT organisation, or whether they are actually producing more harm than good.
Sami, an avid supporter for removing SLAs, discusses with Pasi the importance of using the right metric for measurement - SLAs measure the process, XLAs measure the outcome and value.
Furthermore, in this episode, we hear from Marte Thorbjønsen, the Director of IT Core Operations for Wilhelmsen group, and the decisions to remove SLA measurements from their Chat measurement.
And if you thought that’s all we could get into a 15-minute episode, we also hear from XLA Collab CEO, Alan Nance, discussing HappySignals Global IT Experience Benchmark report data on the impact of including rewards in your agreements with your Service Desk, instead of SLAs and sanctions.
How Reckitt adopted Experience Level Agreements (XLAs)?
Pasi Nikkanen, Prashant Arora, Andrew Murphy
Reckitt is a consumer goods company that manufactures, markets, and sells health, hygiene, and home products with a global workforce of over 42,000 employees based in more than 60 countries. They embarked on a mission to transform their IT operations with ServiceNow – with a view to delivering a ‘best in class’ service experience for its employees across all touchpoints globally.
“In our journey to become "Truly NextGen", we’re laser-focused to ensure industry-leading service experience for our employees across all touchpoints, fueled by modernised & automated IT services.
Inspired by Agile practices – Daily Happiness Reviews, XIP (eXperience Improvement Plans) based on HappySignals’ Dashboards and much more, our service team has taken the journey to the next significant milestone!” – Prashant Arora.Join our webinar to learn how Reckitt has been able to see a 51% increase in employee happiness with IT services, and an increase in survey responses from just 4% to an impressive 25%. For an organization that registers over 300,000 tickets annually, that's over 250,000 hours of employee lost productivity saved in a year.
In this webinar you learn:
• How Reckitt is successfully using experience level agreements (XLAs) to transform their IT services
• What kind of cultural changes was involved with the new way of working
• What has been the impact on end-user experiences and productivity until today
• Lessons learnedAt the stage:
Pasi Nikkanen, CGO and Co-founder of HappySignals
Prashant Arora, Head of Global Service Experience & Automations, Reckitt
Andrew Murphy, IS Manager - User Technology & Services EMEA, Reckitt -
How to Incorporate XLAs into Outsourcing Agreements
John Noctor, SDI, Sami Kallio, CEO & Co-Founder, HappySignals & Neil Keating, CEO & Co-Founder, Bright Horse
There's plenty of discussion about experience level agreements (XLAs) but very little practical guidance for IT service leaders on how to incorporate XLAs into their outsourcing agreements. For years, this topic has sparked ongoing debate and confusion among industry professionals. That's why HappySignals and Bright Horse teamed up to develop recommendations and best practices. Hear about real customer examples and gain practical advice and valuable learnings to transform your outsourcing strategy.
1. Learn what a contracted XLA looks like
2. Understand the contractual governance differences with XLAs and traditional metrics
3. Learn the options for contracting XLAs alongside the recommended approach
4. Learn how best to manage penalties/rewards