Securing Success: Stories from the SOC [APAC]

3 Episodes

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  • Securing Success: Spotlight on the SOC [APAC]

    Karl Lankford - Senior Director, Sales Engineering at Rapid7 and Ellis Fincham, Threat & XDR Lead Specialist at Rapid7

    Feb 28 2024, 38 mins


    Feb 28 2024, 38 mins


    Feb 28 2024, 38 mins

  • Securing Success: Unlimited Incident Response [APAC]

    Tyler Starks - Lead Incident Response, Noah Hemker - Sr Incident Response, Devin Krugly - Practice Advisor at Rapid7

    Mar 13 2024, 52 mins


    Mar 13 2024, 52 mins


    Mar 13 2024, 52 mins

  • Securing Success: Strengthening Your SOC [APAC]

    Jaya Baloo - Chief Security Officer, Raj Samani - Chief Scientist, & Ellis Fincham - Threat & XDR Lead Specialist from Rapid7

    Mar 27 2024, 46 mins


    Mar 27 2024, 46 mins


    Mar 27 2024, 46 mins