
BPI European Financial Equities - 4Q 2023
Francisco Pires
BPI European Financial Equities Long/Short Fund invests in listed European companies within the financial sector or equity related assets.
BPI European Financial Equities Long/Short Fund's ultimate goal is to provide its investors with strong absolute returns with low volatility levels. Such objective can be achieved by ensuring a reduced factor exposure, with a focus on idiosyncratic differences, holding a mid-long term investment horizon - during which the financial industry's main trends, such as digitalization, consolidation (vertical/horizontal), and sustainability, are thoroughly analyzed.
If you wish to view a detailed description of the investment philosophy, approach and process of BPI European Financial Equities, you can watch, on demand, the general video presentation of the Fund by clicking on the link below or copying and pasting it to your browser.
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BPI Iberia - 4Q 2023
Pedro Fontes
BPI Iberia invests in listed Portuguese and Spanish shares or equity linked instruments.
The fund aims to beat the Iberian Market over a reasonable time frame through an active management approach.
If you wish to view a detailed description of the investment philosophy, approach and process of BPI Iberia, you can watch, on demand, the general video presentation of the Fund by clicking on the link below or copying and pasting it to your browser.
https://www.brighttalk.com/webcast/14027/605786 -
BPI Alternative Iberian Equities Long/Short Fund - 4Q 2023
Pedro Fontes
BPI Alternative Fund is a long/short equity fund that invests in listed Portuguese and Spanish shares or equity linked instruments.
BPI Alternative Iberian Equities Long/Short Fund is built with the objective of minimizing factor exposure: the team builds a long portfolio that has upside relative to the short portfolio. The purpose is to benefit from a pure stock picking strategy, guaranteeing beta neutrality and isolating the stock specific risks. The portfolio has the same risk characteristics in the long and short books, which is why it is not correlated with any other asset classes.
If you wish to view a detailed description of the investment philosophy, approach and process of BPI Alternative, you can watch, on demand, the general video presentation of the Fund by clicking on the link below or copying and pasting it to your browser.
https://www.brighttalk.com/webcast/14027/605684 -
BPI Opportunities - 4Q 2023
Luís Alvarenga and Rui Araújo
BPI Opportunities invests in global stocks, focused on large capitalization companies in developed markets, characterized by high and consistent return on capital and low leverage.
If you wish to view a detailed description of the investment philosophy, approach and process of BPI Opportunities, you can watch, on demand, the general video presentation of the Fund by clicking on the link below or copying and pasting it to your browser.
https://www.brighttalk.com/webcast/14027/606100 -
BPI European Financial Equities - 4Q 2023
Francisco Pires
BPI European Financial Equities Long/Short Fund invests in listed European companies within the financial sector or equity related assets.
BPI European Financial Equities Long/Short Fund's ultimate goal is to provide its investors with strong absolute returns with low volatility levels. Such objective can be achieved by ensuring a reduced factor exposure, with a focus on idiosyncratic differences, holding a mid-long term investment horizon - during which the financial industry's main trends, such as digitalization, consolidation (vertical/horizontal), and sustainability, are thoroughly analyzed.
If you wish to view a detailed description of the investment philosophy, approach and process of BPI European Financial Equities, you can watch, on demand, the general video presentation of the Fund by clicking on the link below or copying and pasting it to your browser.