ESET Tech Plus - Android app breaking bad
Lukas Stefanko
#Android app breaking bad.
Is it possible to receive malicious updates from legitimate apps?
Find out the answer in the video with ESET Malware Researcher Lukas Stefanko.
Are you tech-savvy and want to explore more details? See the full video.
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ESET Tech Plus - Android GravityRAT goes after WhatsApp backups
Lukas Stefanko
Are you using a #chat app?
You should definitely watch this video to stay away from #androidmalware.
More info from Lukas Stefanko, ESET Malware Researcher.See the full video if you are tech-savvy and want to explore more details.
You can also read a #welivesecurity blog here: https://www.welivesecurity.com/2023/0...
ESET Tech Plus - Android app breaking bad
Lukas Stefanko
#Android app breaking bad.
Is it possible to receive malicious updates from legitimate apps?
Find out the answer in the video with ESET Malware Researcher Lukas Stefanko.Are you tech-savvy and want to explore more details? See the full video.