
Genomic Data Sharing: The Potentials of a Privacy-Preserving Approach
Duality CEO and Co-founder, Dr. Alon Kaufman, and Team8 Health Managing Partner, Dr. Kinneret Livnat-Savitzky
At Duality and at Team8 Health, data scientists and industry experts work every day to introduce innovation that can help solve these issues - in this case enable authorized users the ability to conduct advanced analytics on linked genomic and clinical data. To explore the different aspects of genomic data sharing, biopharmaceutical data sharing and analysis, and the powerful outcomes that can be reached by linking different types of sensitive health data, Duality’s CEO and Co-founder Dr. Alon Kaufman and Team8 Health Managing Partner Dr. Kinneret Livnat-Savitzky sat down in the Team8 office to discuss how privacy enhancing technologies, machine learning & AI can help.
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Data Privacy: A Runbook for Engineers
Duality Co-founder and CTO, Dr. Kurt Rohloff and Director of Privacy Engineering at Uber, Nishant Bhajaria
Join us for a riveting discussion about current issues in data privacy and privacy engineering in this fun interview with Nishant Bhajaria, author of the Data Privacy: A Runbook for Engineers and Director of Privacy Engineering at Uber.
Data and Trust: In Our Opinion (episode 1)
Rina Shainski and Prof. Shafi Goldwasser
Two Duality Technologies co-founders, Rina Shainski and Shafi Goldwasser, recently met to discuss cryptography. A two-time Gödel Prize and Turing Award winner, Goldwasser tells of her early interest and beginnings in the field. They then examine why the field has become so important in recent years and how Duality facilitates privacy in an increasingly data driven world.
The Evolving Role of the CISO
Duality CEO and Co-founder, Dr. Alon Kaufman and CISO-in-Residence of Team 8, Charles Blauner
As the way we use data has evolved, so has the role of the CISO. In this interview, Charles Blauner, CISO-in-Residence of Team 8, and Dr. Alon Kaufman, CEO and Co-founder of Duality, dissect what being a CISO means in a world driven not only by data, but by secure data collaboration.
Data and Trust In Our Opinion (episode 2)
Rina Shainski and Jules Polonetsky
Jules Polonetsky is the CEO of The Future of Privacy Forum (FPF), a think tank based in Washington DC. FPF aims to serve as a platform for policymakers, industry leaders, and academics to come together and discuss emerging technologies and the privacy challenges that they pose.
Data and Trust: In our Opinion (episode 3)
Prof. Shafi Goldwasser and Prof. Daniel Weitzner
Recently, Professor Shafi Goldwasser, a co-founder of Duality Technologies, a Turing award and two-time Gödel Prize winner, interviewed Professor Daniel J. Weitzner, to discuss Internet privacy and public policy. Weitzner is the Director of the MIT Internet Policy Research Initiative, principal research scientist at the Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence Lab CSAIL, and professor of Internet public policy in MIT’s Computer Science Department.
Data and Trust In our Opinion (episode 4)
Prof. Shafi Goldwasser and Prof. Michael Jordan
Duality Chief Scientist and co-founder, Shafi Goldwasser, recently met with Prof. Michael Jordan - UC Berkeley to discuss data privacy and the internet.
Data and Trust: In our Opinion (episode 5)
Prof. Shafi Goldwasser and Prof. Suchi Saria
Prof. Shafi Goldwasser (Chief Scientist and Co-founder, Duality and Prof. Suchi Saria (Founder, Bayesian Health) discuss topics including healthcare statistics and machine learning.
Genomic Data Sharing: The Potentials of a Privacy-Preserving Approach
Duality CEO and Co-founder, Dr. Alon Kaufman, and Team8 Health Managing Partner, Dr. Kinneret Livnat-Savitzky
At Duality and at Team8 Health, data scientists and industry experts work every day to introduce innovation that can help solve these issues - in this case enable authorized users the ability to conduct advanced analytics on linked genomic and clinical data. To explore the different aspects of genomic data sharing, biopharmaceutical data sharing and analysis, and the powerful outcomes that can be reached by linking different types of sensitive health data, Duality’s CEO and Co-founder Dr. Alon Kaufman and Team8 Health Managing Partner Dr. Kinneret Livnat-Savitzky sat down in the Team8 office to discuss how privacy enhancing technologies, machine learning & AI can help.