Telefónica's Journey into building effective Conversational IVR Solutions
Sarah Rojewski (Telefónica), Per Ottosson (Artificial Solutions)
As one of the largest telephone operators and mobile network providers in the world, Telefónica has made a commitment: their customers are always the guiding principle in everything they do, and the company therefore strive to understand and anticipate their needs and opinions and measuring their degree of satisfaction with the Telefonica’s products and services. Conversational Artificial Intelligence (CAI) has become a crucial piece of the company’s strategy to keep their commitment, and Telefónica will share with you what have they learned so far from their journey.
Conversational AI serves as an interface between a human and an app. It is typically associated with automation of call centers through IVR, virtual assistants and bots, although it can be used in virtually any industry vertical. But before companies can use this technology, they need to understand what and why they should automate processes and what they want to achieve. Telefónica’s journey with our CAI Platform Teneo started last year when the company decided to enhance their IVR system with natural language recognition. The solution took only a few months to go live, and it is already handling nearly the entire traffic of the contact center coming through the phone channel.
Join this webinar to hear Sarah Rojewski, Manager of A.I. and Automation in Telefónica Germany, share her experiences developing conversational solutions and how this technology can accelerate digital transformation while improving customer experience and delivering valuable business data. Artificial Solutions' CEO, Per Ottosson will share useful insight about what companies need to think about before adding Conversational AI to their contact center mix and share some of the results that Teneo clients are obtaining with their developments.
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Swisscoms Einblicke in den Aufbau erfolgreicher Conversational IVR Lösungen
Roger Dill, Rolf Neukom, Jakob Hauser, Nicolas Köllerstedt
Zwar spielt die Reaktionsgeschwindigkeit eine Rolle bei der Kundenansprache, doch die Kunden von heute haben in allen Bereichen hohe Erwartungen: Sie erwarten auch Flexibilität, Beständigkeit , Kompetenz, Qualität und die Möglichkeit ein Gespräch dort fortzusetzen, wo sie es verlassen haben. Swisscom ist eines der Unternehmen, welches dies schon vor Jahren erkannte und auf Conversational AI gesetzt hat, um das Kundenerlebnis zu optimieren.
Die konversationelle künstliche Intelligenz dient als Schnittstelle zwischen einem Menschen und einer App. Die Technologie wird in der Regel mit Callcentern und virtuellen Assistenten/Chatbots in Verbindung gebracht, obwohl sie in praktisch jeder vertikalen Branche eingesetzt werden kann. Doch bevor Unternehmen diese Technologie einsetzen können, müssen sie verstehen, warum sie überhaupt Conversational IVR-Lösungen, Chatbots und andere KI-basierte Dienste entwickeln. Nachdem Swisscom bereits Chat- und Sprachlösungen implementiert hat, expandiert sie nun in den Bereich Conversational IVR und wird Ihnen einen Einblick geben, was sie bisher gelernt hat.
Nehmen Sie an diesem Webinar teil und hören Sie, wie die Referenten von Swisscom, Artificial Solutions und TrustCom ihre Erfahrungen bei der Entwicklung von Conversational-Lösungen teilen und wie diese Technologie die digitale Transformation beschleunigen kann, während sie gleichzeitig das Kundenerlebnis verbessert und wertvolle Geschäftsdaten liefert.
- Roger Dill - Product Owner Dialog Management, Artificial Intelligence & Machine Learning Group bei Swisscom
- Rolf Neukom - Produktmanager Messaging-Kanäle und Chatbot bei Swisscom
- Jakob Hauser - CEO der TrustCom AG
- Nicolas Köllerstedt - CRO bei Artificial Solutions -
Telefónica's Journey into building effective Conversational IVR Solutions
Sarah Rojewski (Telefónica), Per Ottosson (Artificial Solutions)
As one of the largest telephone operators and mobile network providers in the world, Telefónica has made a commitment: their customers are always the guiding principle in everything they do, and the company therefore strive to understand and anticipate their needs and opinions and measuring their degree of satisfaction with the Telefonica’s products and services. Conversational Artificial Intelligence (CAI) has become a crucial piece of the company’s strategy to keep their commitment, and Telefónica will share with you what have they learned so far from their journey.
Conversational AI serves as an interface between a human and an app. It is typically associated with automation of call centers through IVR, virtual assistants and bots, although it can be used in virtually any industry vertical. But before companies can use this technology, they need to understand what and why they should automate processes and what they want to achieve. Telefónica’s journey with our CAI Platform Teneo started last year when the company decided to enhance their IVR system with natural language recognition. The solution took only a few months to go live, and it is already handling nearly the entire traffic of the contact center coming through the phone channel.
Join this webinar to hear Sarah Rojewski, Manager of A.I. and Automation in Telefónica Germany, share her experiences developing conversational solutions and how this technology can accelerate digital transformation while improving customer experience and delivering valuable business data. Artificial Solutions' CEO, Per Ottosson will share useful insight about what companies need to think about before adding Conversational AI to their contact center mix and share some of the results that Teneo clients are obtaining with their developments.